Jun 21, 2008

Sgt Fred Minus inspects Brown Bess muskets before the battle - making adjustments, replacing flint as needed.

picture - Sgt. Minus checking weapon

The 1st Rhode Island, interspersed with other regiments, forms up in battle lines to make up the battalion consisting of regulars, light infantry, and militia. Battle formation consists of two lines, a front rank and a rear rank .A pair of soldiers, the one in front, the other in the rear, make up a file. Several files, today from 6 to 8 make up a section or squad. Today 4 squads made up a company. Today our battalion consisted of 2 companies. Firing and marching orders can be directed to any of these components. The artillery units are already in place on the field. Reenactors drill to be able to maneuver in formation to accurately portray 18th century battle tactics.

Historic accounts from observers of the time commented how the black troops of the 1st Rhode Island were the best drilled most skillful fighters. They won the admiration of their French allies who who provided them with their cast off uniforms.

picture - Battle formation

Marching in 2 columns by files, the battalion heads through the woods to the battle field. The shade is welcome.

picture -battalion on the march

Jun 11, 2008


Do these guys look familiar. No, this is not a commercial. They're the Scottish Highlanders - part of the British hoard that show up for the reenactment of the Battle of Monmouth fought in 1778. As the date indicates, this is a big year - the 230Th Anniversary. So we're excited. Historically, soldiers in the 1st Rhode Island Regiment, were assigned to Captain Arnold's detachment and fought in this battle on June 28Th, 1778.

The Continentals
The good guys on the march - The Continental Army

Highlanders in actionDate: JUNE 21St and 22Nd, 2008

Saturday: 10am - 5pm
10am - 3pm

Fee: None, - $8.00 donation per car requested

1st Rhode Island Photos at the Visitors Center

The 1st RI did a photo shoot this spring at the positions in the battlefield from which the historic regiment fought. See them at the visitors center.


Send us your request to attend this event

Jun 8, 2008

Fighting For My Freedom.
The Old Barracks Museum sponsors living history outreach programs for the public. Among the programs featured is 'Fighting for My Freedom', the story of African American Soldiers and their quest for personal and national freedom during the American Revolution. The presenter, Mr. Fred Minus of the Old Barracks and 1ST Rhode Island Regiment, is an expert on the role of African American Soldier. He gives a rousing and often poignant account of their their experiences. Rarely told, the story of Black Soldiers in the American Revolution reveals how these freedom fighters played a crucial role in the American victory. To book this stirring presentation to your venue contact the the Old Barracks Museum.

  • Phone: 609-396-1776
  • Email: barracks@voicenet.com
  • Fax: 609-777-4000
Zemanta Pixie

Jun 6, 2008

The first American African nominee to a major political party occurred the year of the 200TH anniversary of the ending of the legal importation of African slaves to this country. A commentator on CNN made the observation during the nomination's coverage Tuesday night. The anniversary passed on January 1st, with little fanfare. I found one article about it in the opinion pages in the New York Times. What is the significance of this historical event to us today? First Sgt. Minus often states in his presentations that history is the most important subject that you can study and that "history is the compass of the nation". The historical milestones we choose help define us, reflect our purpose, and tell our progress. Without them we cannot take full measure the significance of todays events. Ihis anniversary marks a point in a continuum of democratization that informs Obama's nomination, not as an isolated political triumph, but reflecting our nations ongoing process of expanding freedom to all. It represents the culmination of the sacrifices of freedom fighters in the American Revolution and Civil War, of the soldiers who fought for freedom and dignity in the segregated armed forces of WWII, and of the martyrs of the Civil Rights Movement.

Corp. Leon Brooks
Freedom for All
Motto of the historic 6th Regiment United States Colored Infantry

The above statement does not necessarily reflect the views of the 6th Regiment USCT or its members.