Dec 11, 2010

Prepare for Battle

The word is given! We have received dispatch that the event will be held Sunday, the day after Christmas. Crown and Continental forces will deploy in Trenton for ceremony and battle as follows:

Sunday, December 26, 2010
  • Registration begins 7 AM to 9 AM, Old Barracks Museum
  • 10 AM All officer's meeting, Long Room, Old Barracks Officer's House
  • 10:30 formation, Old Barracks Parade, rolls taken, divisions sorted, safety inspections
  • 10:50 All troops march out to jump-off points for 1st Battle
  • The First Battle of Trenton, 11 a.m. to Noon
  • Nooning at Masonic Temple, hot and cold buffet provided by the Masons. Please note, due to the uncertainty of whether the Old Barracks would be closed by State budget cuts earlier this year, the Masons were unable to get the grant support they usually have had to help underwrite the cost of the meals for battle participants. There will be no charge for any re-enactor participating, but a voluntary donation bucket will be placed near the line for lunches and if you are so inclined, please donate what you can towards the defraying the cost of the meal.
  • 2:10 PM, Formations on Old Barracks Parade, safety inspections
  • 2:20 PM March out to Memorial Service for the Slain, in front of 1st Presbyterian Church
  • 2:30 PM. Memorial Service for the Slain (practice going to "Mourn Arms" before coming)
  • 3:00 - 4:00 PM.The Second Battle of Trenton
  • 4:10 PM Final Formation on Parade of Old Barracks and dismissal
The Battles of Trenton kicks off Patriot's Week

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