Oct 8, 2012

Germantown Reenactment Report

1st Rhode Island in early war dress. Antoine Watts Commanding

After Action Report: Engagement at Germantown

Attendance - 8 men Attached – 2 men Glover’s Marbleheaders Combined total – 10 men Orders - Lt. Watts’ Combined RI/Mass Company on detached duty from Fort Mercer Deployment – Marched as one company Summary – Colonel Christopher Greene, 1st RI Regt. At Fort Mercer, New Jersey Action of October 6th, 1777 Colonel Greene, I have the pleasure to report that the event went very smoothly. All members had their own weapons and accoutrements. We were able to carry our own colors onto the field this day. What a glorious sight that was to behold! We participated in both attacks on the Chew mansion. During the first the attack we were obliged to fight back to back with a Pennsylvania unit as we fought our way out of encirclement. The company throughout the entire day acquitted themselves admirably. After the engagement the company had many pleasant discussions with the public about Africans and their roles in the American Revolution, and promoting participation the hobby. We answered many questions and had a few interviews with some of the school students there. I had the honor and privilege to lead some of the best men of the Continental Line on the field that day. I only hope that I served them as well as they served me. Humbly submitted, Lieutenant Antoine R. Watts, 1st RI Regt..