Jun 23, 2013

The 6th Regiment USCT to Attend The Unveiling of "Three Medals of Honor" (picture corrected)*

* Don Troiani
The 6th Regiment United States Colored Troops, Reenactors Inc. will be in attendance at the historic unveiling of the Don Troiani painting "Three Medals of Honor"depicting our namesake 6th Regiment United States Colored Infantry, in The Battle of New Market Heights where their heroic exploits won them those three Medals of Honor. We are thrilled that the USCT regiment that we reenact was chosen by the Union League of Philadelphia as the first African-American unit depicted in battle by this world famous artist, and deeply honored that images of several of us were used in the painting. This development has vindicated our fifteen year effort to resurrect the contributions of the 6th Regiment USCI from obscurity and this painting provides tangible proof that our efforts have not been in vain. Now the public will have this visual artifact of the 6th's heroism for posterity and we cannot be more grateful to the Union League of Philadelphia not only for their support of the original regiment, but for assuring the continued acknowledgement of the contributions of African-American men to the military history of the United States of America.

by, /
6th Regiment United States Colored Troops, Reenactors Inc.
Leon Brooks - online editor

  Picture of author was incorrect

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